Thursday, April 28, 2011

After the Devastation of April 27

Screen shot of the tornado as it entered Tuscaloosa, Ala.
It’s a beautiful, sunny day in Birmingham today, but just 24 hours ago that was not the case. Horrible and devastating tornados and thunderstorms ripped through Alabama and other parts of the southeast yesterday (Wednesday).  At this time reports indicate more than 250 lives have been lost, and as of yet, there is no count as to how many homes and businesses have been lost. 

On a day like today, as the sun shines, we find ourselves grateful and grieving all at the same time.   

Doors were used as gurneys to carry away the injured.
Copyright, 2011, The Birmingham News. All rights reserved.
Reprinted with permission.
We are grateful for the lives that have been spared and yet, we grieve for those that have been lost. We grieve not only for the loss of life, but for the loss of time, well-being, security, and innocence. To say the very least, we feel scarred by the unpredictable and uncontrollable nature of the weather we experienced.

As you read these words, know that we covet your prayers for the people of Alabama and other affected areas.

We ask you to pray for peace, for calm, and for an abundance of resources to meet needs. In addition, we also ask you to pray for churches and the teenage girls and guys within them. Pray for the students who are planning to come to Blume.  Ask God to use this experience to soften their hearts toward Him, and to provide them opportunities to be His hands and feet to the world.

Bystanders look at storm damage along 15th Street in Tuscaloosa, Ala.
If you know of any churches or communities who have been planning to send teenage girls to Blume, and have now been drastically affected by yesterday’s weather event, please let us know.  Be assured of our prayers for all those affected, and know that we will do all we can to demonstrate the love of Christ to others.

In the aftermath of this week’s storms we are reminded of the simple, yet powerful words of Jesus, “Peace, be still,” and we know that the wind and the waves obey Him.

Blessings to you,

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Blume Ministries

We are working fast and furiously on the ministries aspect of Blumesm. During your Blume ministries rotation you will experience all aspects of human exploitation. Not a pretty subject, huh?

It may surprise you that 27 million people worldwide are trapped in modern-day slavery. We can no longer sit back and pretend this doesn’t exist.

In Blume ministries you will learn about every aspect of human exploitation:
Labor Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Pornography and Sexting
Media Exploitation
Exploitation of Natural Resources

You will experience what it is like to be “trafficked.” This will give you a better understanding of how easily one can be lured into this way of life. You will also prepare hygiene kits and write personal notes to those who have been trafficked in the Orlando area.

Part of Blume ministries will be learning about a WMU® ministry partner in Moldova, Beginning of Life, that assists victims of human trafficking in that country. And you will see the craft items and hear the stories of those who have been freed from trafficking through the WorldCraftssm Set1Free campaign.

These are just part of the Blume ministries experience. We don’t want to give it all away. I can’t wait for you to come and experience it! My prayer is that through this experience God will reveal to you how you can help those who are being exploited. Here’s a Scripture passage to keep in mind as you prepare for Blume ministries:

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy” (Prov. 31:8–9 NIV).

-Kristy and Emily
Blume Ministries

Thursday, April 7, 2011

First Time Blumer

For the last several months, I have been working as an intern at WMU. My job at WMU® is to help plan Blumesm 2011 in Orlando, Florida. I have loved every minute of working at WMU. Everyone is so excited about Blume. I have actually never been able to go to Blume, but as I have been planning, I have come to realize that Blume is an incredible event.

See? Don’t these pictures make you want to be there right now?

There will be so many cool things at Blume this year. I have read over the material for general sessions, Bible studies, conferences, ministries, Missions Mania, and the special Y.E.S. Program done in conjunction with Disney.

It gives me chills just thinking about how each of you will be impacted by the leaders, staff, and volunteers who have put so much into this event. Each aspect of Blume is so relevant for your life as a young woman in Christ. You will be encouraged by every aspect of Blume, and I believe you will walk away with a renewed outlook on your relationship with Christ and God’s vision for your life.

The time that you spend at Blume will be completely crazy, exiting, and full of non-stop action. I am praying for each of you who will attend Blume. I pray that you will have an absolute blast and that you will leave this amazing experience with a deeper relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

For those of you who have been to Blume in the past, let me know what your favorite part is. And for those of you who have never gone, what are you the most excited about? Let me know so that we can be excited about Blume together!

Mary B.
Blume Intern